Containerized Interworking Functions

Interworking Functions are dedicated to the conversion of one telecom interface to another. They act as a gateway between existing elements and newer elements introduced in a network or to bridge gaps when it comes to the inter-connection of two networks using different technologies or different telecom protocols. These functions are also referred as Gateways and usually implement standard telecom protocol conversions and do not require an AF to implement some service logic.



We offer 3 different types of containerized interworking functions:

The Charging Interworking Function

The Charging IWF provides inter-working for 3G/4G/5G online charging interfaces. See details here.

The IMS Interworking Function

The IMS IWF provides interworking between IMS, VoLTE, VoNR and 3G Circuit Switch voice and messaging services. See details here.

The SMS Interworking Function

The SMS IWF is an interworking function dedicated to the conversion of short text messages between the 3G, 4G and 5G networks. See details here.