Service Delivery Platform (SDP)

Enable and deliver real-time communication services across all generations of wireline, mobile, converged and MVNO networks.



The OpenCloud Service Layer

The OpenCloud Service Layer

Open for faster, more competitive evolution and innovation

Unlike traditional telecom service-layer equipment that only delivers functions developed by the vendor, OpenCloud’s products are open. This means that our customers are free to enhance and extend the applications and connectivity of their OpenCloud service-layer when they want, and without expensive, time-consuming change requests.

“Convergence, service agility and cost reductions were the basis of our business case and OpenCloud helped Bouygues Telecom achieve these through in-house innovation.” Bouygues Telecom


Cloud-ready products for virtualised deployment and NFV

Since we started in 2000 we have only developed pure-software products designed to run on common, standard hardware and operating systems.

Virtualised deployment across multiple virtual servers is naturally supported.  Read more about NFV here.


Convergent operation across All-IP and SS7 domains to facilitate network evolution

OpenCloud’s products simultaneously operate in SS7 and all-IP networks. Solutions delivered using OpenCloud Rhino can bridge between multiple networks of both types, to resolve interworking challenges and harmonising the service-layer to deliver consistent service experience regardless of which network your subscribers are attached to.

The OpenCloud Product Portfolio

OpenCloud Rhino Service Delivery Platform Architecture


  •     Sentinel VoLTE : Extensible MMTel services and flexible SCC for voice and video-calling over LTE
  •     Sentinel Express : Extensible voice and messaging services for GSM
  •     Sentinel Charge : Online charging (OCS) control for Sentinel VoLTE, Sentinel Express. and other Sentinel applications.

Rhino TAS and SIS

  •     Rhino TAS : An open application server for legacy SS7 services, LTE IMS services, SIP Servlet and converged services that span multiple network technologies.
  •     Rhino SIS : A convergent service broker for composing services from IN and IMS service components (includes options for IM SSF to enable IN-IMS interworking).

Resource Adaptors

  • Connectivity for SS7, IMS, SIP, Diameter and other OSS, BSS and Internet resources.