Dialogic® DSI Diameter Stack enables user applications to interface directly to IMS and LTE networks, for the realization of high value services in areas such as Mobility, Charging and Location.
Dialogic® DSI SIGTRAN Stack and Dialogic® DSI SS7 Stack deliver numerous benefits including
– A versatile architecture allowing systems to scale as service volume grow.
– Portability of applications from TDM SS7 to Dialogic® DSI SIGTRAN Stack based implementations.
Diameter Stack
Product | Description |
Diameter Stack | Dialogic® DSI Diameter Stack is a high performance, carrier ready software implementation of the Diameter protocol with support for a wide range of Diameter interfaces; Mobility – S6a, S6d, S13 and S13’Charging – Ro, RfLocation – SLh, SLg |
Product | Description |
(Stream Control Transmission Protocol) IETF RFC2960, RFC3309 |
M2PA |
(MTP2 User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer) IETF RFC 4165 |
M3UA | (MTP3 User Adaptation Layer ASP and IPSP) IETF RFC 4666, RFC 3332 |
SUA (Signaling Connection Control Part User Adaptation) RFC 3868 |
SIGTRAN Monitor | Delivers high-performance, high-density protocol monitoring that enables applications to interrogate SIGTRAN traffic between active signaling points and trigger intelligent actions. SIGTRAN Monitor, a software only application, joins Dialogic® Network Interface Boards that have circuit-switched network monitoring capabilities. |
SS7 Stack
Product | Description |
SCCP | (Signaling Connection Control Part class 0,1,2) ITU-T recommendations Q.711-Q.714, Q.791 and ANSI T1.112 |
(Transaction Capabilities Application Part) ITU-T Q.771-Q.774 and ANSI T1.114 |
(Intelligent Networking) ITU CS1, ETSI CS1 & CS2 and GR-1299-CORE AIN |
IS41, WIN | ANSI/TIA/EIA-41.5-D, Wireless Intelligent Networking (WIN) extensions ANSI/TIA/EIA-751, ANSI/TIA/EIA-764, ANSI/TIA/EIA-771, ANSI/TIA/EIA-826 [Prepaid] |
CAMEL | CAMEL Application Part specifications v1-v4 |
MAP | (Mobile Application Part) GSM TS 09.02, TS 29.002 |
MTP | (Message Transfer Part) as defined by the ITU-T, ANSI. |
(ISDN User Part) ITU-T Q.761-Q.764, Q.767, ETS 300 356-1, ANSI T1.113, national variants including German ISUP, Japanese TTC ISUP. |
(Bearer Independent Call Control) Q.1902.1 – Q1902.5, Q.765.5, Signalling Transport Converter Q.1901 |