Mobile Network (SS7/SIGTRAN) Software Probe

Modulo’s Signaling Probe Unit (SPU) delivers high-performance, high-density protocol monitoring that enables applications to interrogate SCTP/MTP traffic (SS7 or Diameter Signaling) between active signaling points in the mobile network and trigger intelligent actions.

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The Modulo Signaling Probe Unit (SPU) delivers real-time, high-performance, high-density protocol monitoring that enables applications to interrogate traffic between a mobile network’s active signaling points and trigger intelligent actions.

The SPU enables SS7 or DIAMETER messages carried over SCTP (IP) or MTP/MTP2 (TDM) to be monitored. SCTP messages from one or more Ethernet ports can be selectively passed to a user application in real time.

Applications that can take advantage of call-related monitoring activity include:

  • Network management — Analyzers can produce comprehensive protocol traces, call statistics, CDRs, information on bandwidth utilization, and more.
  • Missed call alert — Fixed-line subscribers can retrieve a list of missed calls.
  • Advertising and marketing — Advertising and marketing executives can use location-based messages and location sensitive web pages to track behavior.

System Features

  • Monitors traffic over an Ethernet hub, a managed switch or a tapping devide as defined by simple configuration settings.
  • Monitors multiple Ethernet ports or/and TDM ports simultaneously
  • Monitors user-selected types from M2UA, M2PA, M3UA, DIAMETER, SCCP and ISUP messages as well as those from specific network nodes.
  • Parses SCTP packets into discrete messages
  • Messages are delivered to user applications in configurable formats – with and without IP or SIGTRAN headers
  • Detects traffic congestion and defers sending monitored messages until congestion abates
  • Software solution installable on any system with Ethernet connectivity
  • Various capacities are available to meet network density and throughput demands

Functional Specifications

Host General purpose server with Linux OS
IP Interface Host Ethernet card or dedicated Ethernet Card
TDM Interface PCIe card or telco applicance with E1/T1/J1 interfaces and MTP2 or ATM software
Supported Protocols M3UA, M2PA, M2UA, DIAMETER over SCTP ANSI & ITU SCCP, TCAPIS.41, GSM-MAP & CAP 2/3/4
Interface to User Application Java or C Network API

Operation modes

Co-located run-mode

The SPU can be co-located on the same host as the user application.

Standalone run-mode

The SPU can be deployed on dedicated virtual or physical machine and remained controlled by a user application through LAN.


Distributed run-mode

The SPU can be distributed in several geographical location and report to a central user application instance. It is also possible to configure the SPU to report filtered traffic to different application instances.
