SS7 Point Code Converter / Calculator

Point code Type:
Point Code:

How to Use the Point Code Converter

Enter a value in any of the fields and the other fields will convert automatically – the respective point codes will appear instantly in each input box.

Once you’ve entered your Decimal/Hexadecimal code and received the respective Network-Cluster-Member form, you can convert from 14 bit to 24 bit: just choose the required type from the “Point code Type” dropdown menu, and it will automatically change to the selected type.

What is a Point Code Calculator / Converter?

SS7 Point codes are unique addresses that are used to identify Signaling Points (SPs), which represent network elements in an SS7 network. This address system is similar to how IP addresses are unique addresses for devices in TCP/IP networks. Point codes can be represented in a Decimal form, a Hexadecimal form, and a Network-Cluster-Member form.

A point code calculator / converter allows users to convert a decimal or hexadecimal point code to its decimal or hexadecimal and its Network-Cluster-Member version.

Modulo Communication Systems have created an SS7 Point Code Calculator which allows you to convert 14 bit point codes (ITU) to 24 bit point codes (ANSI) and vice-versa.

Featured SS7 Network Infrastructure Products and Solutions by Modulo

At Modulo Communication Systems, we specialize in mobile and fixed-line network technology. We offer a comprehensive list of products and solutions for SS7 networks, some of which are featured here: